Provincetown Swim for Life reception at Seashore Point, Tuesday, August 22

The Residences at Seashore Point invites the public to a reception celebrating the Provincetown Swim for Life’s 30th anniversary on Tuesday, August 22 from 6:00 -7:30pm. Seashore Point, located at 100 Alden Street,  is a sponsor of the Swim for Life.The event will feature stories from swimmers Mark Boucher and Arthur Richter, and tales from longtime Swim volunteer Jan Kelly, a Seashore Point resident. A surprise performance is planned.A short documentary film will also be shown about the Swim for Life Prayer Ribbons* by Lise King, and their journey to the US Capitol in Washington, DC, and to Orlando Florida. In Orlando, a special strand of Ribbons was shared with the families of the victims of the nightclub shooting.For more information about the 30th Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla, set for September 9, contact: www.swim4life.orgLight refreshments, wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served beginning at 6pm. There will be door prizes at the event.Parking is available behind our building. Access off from Jerome Smith Road through the cemetery, follow the signs.* The Provincetown Swim for Life, sponsored by The Provincetown Community Compact, was established in 1988 to bring the community together and empower those affected by HIV. At this annual fundraiser, which has raised $4M+ for AIDS, women’s health and the community, the public is invited to honor people in their lives – both living and deceased – by inscribing a message on a five-foot long colored ribbon. These Prayer Ribbons are a visual witness to a community that has moved well beyond fear and hatred.