All Swimmers
The following table includes all swimmers that were timed, ranked by swim time and regardless of age or gender.
The following table includes all swimmers that indicated female, ranked by age. Swimmers who did not report a birthdate on their registration will not appear in this table.
Age groups are sorted by birth year as follows: A = 2004 and younger, B = 2003-1994, C = 1993-1984, D = 1983 - 1974, E = 1973 - 1964, F = 1963 - 1954, G = 1953 - 1944, H = 1943 and older.
The following table includes swimmers that indicated male, ranked by age. Swimmers who did not report a birthdate on their registration will not appear in this table.
Age groups are sorted by birth year as follows: A = 2004 and younger, B = 2003-1994, C = 1993-1984, D = 1983 - 1974, E = 1973 - 1964, F = 1963 - 1954, G = 1953 - 1944, H = 1943 and older.