Swim for Life initiates the “Satellite Swim”

Satellites, and their planets, are in the news lately, and the Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla is adding its own version. The recent breathtaking images of Pluto and its satellite, Charon, offer us an ancient, timely example for the Swim’s latest idea: the Satellite Swim. What if you want to swim but can’t make it to the event? What if you’re too young to swim but want to participate? You don’t want to keep circling and circling around the mother ship, like a moon, without dipping your feet in the water.Abby&Zoe - CopyOver the years, there have been a number of adventurers who have swum in parallel with the Swim for Life event. Tim Moran has swum about ten times, but two of those were in Miami Beach and one in Morocco in 2001. All were timed to the date and time of the Provincetown event. Jim Youngerman was planning his first Swim for Life in 2008 when his sister in law died the day before. So he dove into Laurel Lake in Lenox, MA, and swam the 1.4-mile equivalent of the Provincetown Harbor swim. He has traveled here every year since. And to top it off, last year Kim Oler from NY climbed the Rocky Mountains and raised enough in pledges to join the 00 Club.Last year we were inspired by six-year-old Abby Gametchu-Walker of Cambridge and Provincetown who wanted to participate but was too young. So she decided to take to a pool and swim 1.4 miles. She does most of her laps at the Provincetown Inn, which equals 45 laps! She raised 00. This year she’s back with her friend Zoe Galaburda, who said, “I love Ptown, I want to swim too.” She’ll also be swimming in Brookline and Maine, keeping close track of her distance. Jeff Walker, Abby’s dad, has set up a “Abby & Zoe page” on FirstGiving for donations.The Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla, set for September 12, is sponsored by the Provincetown Community Compact and has raised $4M for AIDS, women’s health and the community since 1988. For information for swimmers, kayakers, boaters and volunteers, contact: thecompact@comcast.net, and www.swim4life.org T-shirts, designed by Zehra Khan, are 100% organic cotton and are available at Seamen’s Bank downtown. Business sponsors include: Fanizzi’s Restaurant, Lobster Pot Restaurant, Seamen’s Bank, Provincetown Banner, Far Land Provisions, Boatslip Beach Club, Marc Jacobs, Crown & Anchor, Harbor Hotel and Mussel Beach Health Club.