20th Celebration of Life Concert @ 26th Swim for Life

On every Friday after Labor Day since 1994, the historic and elegant sanctuary of Provincetown’s Unitarian Universalist Meeting House in the center of town (236 Commercial Street) has been the home of an event filled with music, celebration, life, memory, and joy. It is the annual CELEBRATION OF LIFE concert, free in every aspect of the word: free admission, free performances, free space, time and labor. It is Provincetown’s longest running free music festival. This year’s twentieth annual event begins on Friday, September 6 at 8pm.

Celebration of Life 2013Hundreds of local and visiting performers have shared their talents throughout the years. The Celebration of Life’s spirit is another expression of the legendary caregiving capacity that Provincetown’s people continue to express in their daily lives.This year’s performers include Jon Arterton, Peter Donnelly, Will Harrington, Billy Hough, Halcyone Hurst, Roxanne Layton, Zoë Lewis, Ken Lonergan, James Mack, Phoebe Otis, Elena Mancheva, Miss Richfield 1981, Sylvie Richard, Scarbie, John Thomas, Nedko Zdravkov Valchev, Janet Villas, West End Wendy Wendell and other surprises.The Celebration of Life concert is not a fund-raiser: it’s a FUN-raiser. Luminarias set along the path to the front door guide hundreds of Provincetown’s extended community into the sanctuary where aromas and music fill the space. At precisely 8 pm, hundreds of colorful prayer ribbons rise up until they arch from the top of the trompe l’oeil ceiling to begin another Celebration of Life.The Celebration of Life is presented in association with the annual Provincetown Swim for Life and Paddler Flotilla, which launches the next morning. The Celebration of Life is produced and hosted by John Thomas and co-sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown and Great Music on Sundays @5.